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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Motorola Droid Xyboard 10.1 (32GB) - CNET

The good: The Motorola Droid Xyboard 10.1 feels like an amalgamation of all our favorite Android tablets of 2011 and is endowed with 4G LTE compatibility from Verizon. The bad: The on-contract price will make you cry, the off-contract price will make you laugh. The bottom line: The Motorola Droid Xyboard 10.1 is a premium Android tablet from the company that defined the category, held back by a high price and uninspired...

Asus U44SG Rocks Nvidia 610M Graphics Netbook Live Compact Computers

Asus’s U44SG is a new arrival from CES and it’s one of the laptops the company is aiming at gamers as well, looking for a truly portable, but capable computer for gaming on the go. The unit we caught was running Portal 2- and doing it quite well, if you ask me. With detail levels on high (I suppose) the gameplay was smooth, so I guess anything close to Portal 2 in terms of system requirements should  run just as smooth as this. The 14 inch...

Lenovo ThinkPad Edge S430 Fastest Laptops Ever

Lenovo Rolls Out The New Lenovo ThinkPad Edge S430 Fastest Latops Ever And Announced its new Lenovo ThinkPad portfolio of small to medium business SMB big baller laptops really built with serious business technology, gaming, performance and personal lifestyle computing features integrated into one of the fastest laptops i've put my hands on in the last couple of years. The new line of laptops includes both the kick arse premium high end...