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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Microsoft Windows 10 OS Will Be Free For Windows 8 Owners

Microsoft Windows 10 OS Will Be Free For Windows 8 Owners Windows 10 Will Be Free For Windows 8 OwnersThe upcoming Microsoft Windows 10 computer operating system that Microsoft has been working on for quite a while will be finally unveiled on January 21 at Redmond. The American multinational corporation revealed back in September 2014 that they will focus more on the business experience of the ......

This Windows 8 Microsoft Surface lookalike runs a productive version of Android

PCWorld This Windows 8 Microsoft Surface lookalike runs a productive version of Android insteadPCWorldMicrosoft hasn't quite nailed it with Windows 8, which doesn't have enough tablet apps and often feels too complex as a mobile operating system. We've also seen some Android laptops and hybrids, but the operating system has never been very ...and more »...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Seagate Wireless Creates Space for Mobile Devices - Business Wire(press release)

Business Wire (press release) Seagate Wireless Creates Space for Mobile Devices Business Wire (press release) Seagate Wireless storage is accessed through the free mobile Seagate Media app for Apple iOS, Android, Kindle Fire HD, Windows 8 tablets. Mobile devices connect to Seagate Wireless over a Wi-Fi connection, which the battery-powered drive emits once ... and more »...

Windows 10 will be directly available for Windows 7/8 users: OSexpected to be ... - International Business Times UK

International Business Times UK Windows 10 will be directly available for Windows 7/8 users: OS expected to be ... International Business Times UK Microsoft is all set to unveil its Windows 10 OS in fall 2015. The OS is being eagerly awaited by users as it will incorporate the start button on the desktop, that it had done away with in Windows 8/8.1. In a new development, Windows 10 will be made ... ...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ask Nick: New life from old laptop battery - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Rochester Democrat and ChronicleAsk Nick: New life from old laptop batteryRochester Democrat and ChronicleQuestion: I am using Windows 8, and have the backup running. But it seems that most of the files it is backing up are files that I have not actually changed, and it's filling up my external hard drive with multiple copies of those not-changed files ...

Windows 7 Professional Key

Windows 7 Professional Product Key Crack Code One of Product Key Windows 7 Professional 32 bit Windows 7 Keygen nicest improvements is the addition to the taskbar of multiple thumbnail previews, which appear whenever you hover your mouse over a taskbar icon. What makes them superior to the Vista version of the feature is that you can see all currently running windows as thumbnails, not just a single window. Its funny how people are acting like...

Windows 10 Update nur von Windows 7 und Windows 8 möglich -

PCShow.deWindows 10 Update nur von Windows 7 und Windows 8 möglichPCShow.deWindows 10 Update nur von Windows 7 und Windows 8 möglich. Wie heute bekannt geworden ist, wird es zukünftig nicht mehr möglich sein, von Windows XP und Windows Vista aus ein Update auf das neueste Betriebssystem Windows 10 aus dem Hause ...and more&nbs...

Бесплатной Windows 10 будет только для владельцев последних версий ОС - Бизнес онлайн - актуальные новости и аналитика для предпринимателей

Бизнес онлайн - актуальные новости и аналитика для предпринимателейБесплатной Windows 10 будет только для владельцев последних версий ОСБизнес онлайн - актуальные новости и аналитика для предпринимателейНа своей странице в сети микроблогов Twitter он подтвердил появившиеся слухи, что пользователи операционных систем с версиями ниже Windows 7 не получат прямого обновления платформы до Windows 10 из операционной системы.and more&nbs...

E Fun's $229 Surface Pro Alternatives Launched; Includes Magnetic Keyboard ... - International Business Times, India Edition

International Business Times, India EditionE Fun's $229 Surface Pro Alternatives Launched; Includes Magnetic Keyboard ...International Business Times, India Edition"We are extremely excited to build on the great success we had launching our first tablets with Windows in the fourth quarter of last year," Jason Liszewski, managing director and VP of sales for E FUN, said in a statement. "Our first 2-in-1 tablet ...E FUN Expands Line of Nextbook 2-in-1...

Xbox One Cortana Teased In Microsoft Tweet: 'Windows' Search Assistant ... - Design & Trend

Design & TrendXbox One Cortana Teased In Microsoft Tweet: 'Windows' Search Assistant ...Design & TrendSome ambitious gamers have suggested that the picture may in fact be teasing the arrival of a Cortana search assistant feature on Xbox One. Nothing has been confirmed at this time, but considering Cortana will allegedly play a big role in "Windows 10 ...and more&nbs...

Chinese iPad Clone Runs Both Android and Windows 8.1 - TechnoBuffalo

TechnoBuffaloChinese iPad Clone Runs Both Android and Windows 8.1TechnoBuffaloNokia recently unveiled a snazzy new Android tablet that looked suspiciously like the iPad mini. Now, Chinese company Onda has done one better with a dual-booting iPad Air knockoff that offers high-end specs at competitive price. The Onda V919 3G Air ...Onda V919: an iPad Air clone that runs Windows, AndroidSlashGearAn iPad Air look-alike with Android and Windows for...

Linx 7 Windows 8 tablet - Pocket Gamer

EngadgetLinx 7 Windows 8 tabletPocket GamerThe Linx 7 doesn't have any physical buttons on its front, but the top and right-hand edges (when held in portrait orientation) certainly do. On the side you'll find the volume and power buttons, while the top is home to the Windows button, 3.5mm ...Linx 8 review - exploring the sub-£100 Windows tablet experienceEurogamer.neteFun's hybrid tablets offer a choice: Windows 8.1 or Android?Engadgetall 6 news...