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Friday, November 16, 2012

Dublin is one of the riskiest cities for cybercrime - JOE

JOE Dublin is one of the riskiest cities for cybercrime JOE However, the good news is that researchers said the cities with the greatest cybercrime risk factors did not necessarily correlate with the highest computer virus infection rate. Researchers said that this reflected “the fact that many consumers are ... Dublin sixth riskiest online city, survey all 6 news articles »...

Monday, November 12, 2012

What You Should Expect From Windows 8

What you should expect from Windows 8? Get My Early insights and opinions into Microsoft's upcoming Windows 8 Consumer Preview should give IT departments and consumsures a lot to chew on and contemplate when the Windows 8 Arrives. With the Windows 8 Consumer Preview beta edition just around the corner, now is a good time to examine what we know and don't know about Microsoft's forthcoming OS, and what IT should look for when the Consumer Preview...

ASUS CM1740-US-2AG Desktop Repair Guide

What you can get for $500 keeps getting better and better every year and the ASUS CM1740-US-2AG is certainly a nice step up from the model just six months ago.  This is a good all around system thanks to its quad core AMD processor, 8GB of memory, dedicated graphics and wireless networking.  It may not be as fast as an Intel based desktop at this price range but it still provides more than enough for the average user.  The...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My HP Pavilion DM1-4010EZ Installing Linux Mint 12 Experience

When we last left off working on our lovely new HP DM1-4010EX Sub Notebook, I had just finished installing and configuring Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium. Now with the windows operating system out of the way it is time to move into installing a real computer operating system on it, and for the sake of variety the choice this time will be Linux Mint 12 and Cinnamon 1.1.3. The very first thing to do is prepare the internal hard disk drive. As...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lighthouse Security Group Expands Operations to Support its Proven Cloud

Lighthouse Security Group Expands Operations to Support its Proven Cloud Alternative to Traditional Identity and Access Management Systems Company sales, marketing and product expansion to support continued success of Lighthouse Gateway™ cloud-based IAM platform February 15, 2012 09:03 AM Eastern Time LINCOLN, R.I.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Led by cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) pioneer Eric Maass, Lighthouse Security Group...

Sync Your Data without the Cloud - Technology Review

Sync Your Data without the Cloud And Making Your Computing Experience Easier! New software lets you rouse a sleeping PC to retrieve data remotely. Files on a home computer system could soon be accessible from anywhere in the world over the internet, even when the computer holding them is switched off, thanks to a prototype file-synching system developed at Microsoft's research labs. The system is designed to demonstrate an alternative to a growing...

Incontro e vademecum per navigare sicuri in internet

Come proteggere i propri dati personali navigando in internet? Come avvalersi dei benefici dello shopping on line senza correre rischi? Come tutelare i bambini davanti al computer? A queste domande risponderà mercoledì 22 febbraio alle 21 all’auditorium Marco Biagi (largo Biagi 2) Michele Colajanni, docente al Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’informazione dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e direttore del Centro di ricerca interdipartimentale...

How Companies Are 'Defining Your Worth' Online Now

One of the fastest-growing online businesses is the business of spying on Internet users. Using sophisticated software that tracks people's online movements through the Web, companies collect the information and sell it to advertisers. Every time you click a link, fill out a form or visit a website, advertisers are working to collect personal information about you, says Joseph Turow, a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the...